Messing About (9-36 Months)
Sensory Play
Messy play is a fantastic way to help your child explore different materials and textures, learn about cause and effect and to develop motor and language skills – PLUS, the mess stays at school! Join us for some messy fun!!
January 27 – May 19 (14 classes)
Mondays 11:30am – 12:10pm (15-36 months; this is for walkers)
$630 for Temple Israel members
$700 for non-members
January 28 – May 20 (15 classes)
Tuesdays 11:30am – 12:10pm (15-36 months; this is for walkers)
$675 for Temple Israel members
$750 for non-members
January 29 – May 21 (15 classes)
Wednesdays 11:30am – 12:10pm (9-15 months; this is for non-walkers)
$675 for Temple Israel members
$750 for non-members
Bim Bam Bunch (6-24 months)
Join musician Molly Rose in this fun and interactive musical experience! We’ll celebrate Shabbat and Jewish holidays through movement and visuals and even learn some exciting new Hebrew words! Whether you’re looking for an opportunity to begin your Little One’s Jewish journey or just make new friends – this class is for you!
January 29 – May 21 (15 classes)
Wednesdays 11:15am – 12:00pm
$600 for Temple Israel members
$675 for non-members
Katie’s Corner (4-26 months)
Katie’s Corner was specifically designed for children. Every song was written with that of a child’s imagination and curiosity in mind. The songs will open a door of wonder and will touch on life’s special moments, like when we need to be kind, using our imagination, evading a big giant named Moe, or just being silly. Every song is filled with a rich melody that will have you and your child singing together throughout the day.
January 30 – May 22 (15 classes)
Thursdays 10:30am – 11:15am (15-36 months)
$600 for Temple Israel members
$675 for non-members
January 30 – May 22 (15 classes)
Thursdays 11:30am – 12:15pm (4-15 months)
$600 for Temple Israel members
$675 for non-members