We will continue to adhere to the most up to date cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Cleaning logs will be maintained to ensure that all protocols are being met; all products used will be from the approved list from the CDC.
Additionally, Temple Israel has purchased Electrostatic disinfectant sprayers to allow us to perform these cleanings most efficiently. Frequently touched and high traffic areas like elevators, hallways, bathrooms, doorknobs and hand rails will be cleaned regularly throughout the day.
Common spaces such as classrooms, lobby, sanctuary, etc. will be cleaned after each class’s use. Classrooms – including materials – will be deep-cleaned at the end of each day.
All measures to ensure increased fresh airflow are being taken. We will look to have windows open in all areas whenever possible, all air conditioning filters have been upgraded and will be replaced frequently, and each classroom has been equipped with an air purifier which includes a HEPA filter system and is designed to 150% required capacity.